onsdag den 8. oktober 2008

yes - reynold is coming on the 21.10.

reynold kan godt lide ideen om at føre studiekredsen videre:

Das hoert sich alles fantastisch an, und ich bin 100% in Uebereinstimmung damit. Das ist, soweit ich es verstehe, die Grundtvig'sche Grundidee--die Sammelschoepfung. D.h., wir arbeiten das all demokratisch zusammen aus und steuern der Gesamt-Idee alle etwas bei. Ausserdem ist unser Thema eine logische Fortsetzung des Studienkreises Weltbuerger, indem wir Kurrikulumzeile fuer die Formierung des Weltbuerger/der Weltbuergerin formulieren wollen. Also, was muss er bzw. sie wissen und tun koennen, um ein/e effektive/r Weltbuerger/in zu werden und in wie fern kann ein Schullernplan dazu beitragen?

referater og næste møde d. 21.10.08, reynold feldman

hola studiekredsfolk,
nu har vi arbejdet 2 gang med jonas og martinus filosofi og desuden sidste gang med mit forslag om et efteruddannelsesprojekt hvor vi laver undervisningsforløb for skolerne om med- og verdensborgerskab, internationale spørgsmål og bæredygtighed (jeg havde sendt forslaget om udvuklingsarbejde og netværk med skolerne rundt).
så talte vi om at studiekredsen godt kan vil besøg af det internationale EULE-projekt med 28 deltagere (nogle af os er gengangere) om den levende demokrati på tirsdag, d. 18. 11. kl. 18. i kan læse mere om projektet på skolens homepage, klik på 'eule' under genveje!
her er en spændende hjemmeside med små film fra hele verden:

efter efterårsferien kommer reynold feldman med sit studiekreds og jeg har kontaktet ham med henblik på om han vil holde sin studiekreds i vores tirsdags rammer med verdensborger folkekøkken kl. 18 og efterfølgende studiekredsarbejde. vores studiekreds vil så deltage i hans. nedenunder er hans beskrivelse.vi ved ikke endnu hvad han siger til det, men kom endelig på tirsdag efter efterårsferien, det bliver sikkert spændende.
vel mødt!

from reynold:

A Hawaii Tax-Exempt Nonprofit Corporation
PO Box 61599
Honolulu, HI 96839-1599 USA

TO: Thorstein Balle, Director Attachment. My current résumé
and the Teachers and Students of
Den Fri Lærerskole (DFL)
Ollerup, Fyn, Denmark
FR: Reynold Feldman
DA: 17 April 2008
RE: Proposal for a Fall 2008 Study Group to Develop a 21st-Century Curriculum

Thank you for meeting with me during my visit to the Free Teachers School last Friday. At that time I presented you with a study-group proposal, which you asked me to submit in writing for consideration by the School. The proposal follows.

Proposal. During October through December 2008, I propose facilitating a study group of students and teachers at DFL to develop a new global curriculum for the 21st Century. In the spirit of Grundtvig, we would attempt to develop a new “curriculum for life” suitable to the present century. We would try to answer such questions as (1) “What does today’s global citizen need to know and be able to do to help solve the world’s problems while leading a meaningful, satisfying life?” and (2) “How can the set of values, knowledge, attitudes, and skills we agree upon best be taught and learned in a school setting?” In the course of the two and a half months, group participants would look for and build on best practices currently (or formerly) used in the Free, Folk, and After-School Movement as well as in Montessori, Waldorf-Steiner, International, and other innovative teaching-learning projects around the world. In the interim between now and the start of the study group, I would look for external funds to pay for such activities as developing and hosting a project website, creating and maintaining a blog, creating streaming short audio and video programs, videotaping discussions and fieldtrips, paying for several fieldtrips to observe exemplary schools in Denmark and perhaps beyond, planning for an international dissemination conference in Ollerup (small planning meeting in summer 2009; actual conference, if funding is found, summer 2010 or sooner), and—in a period after the initial three months—creating a documentary video and accompanying book on project outcomes for public dissemination.

Background. This project builds on the Global Citizen Study Group currently in progress at DFL under Monika Brodnicke’s leadership. During two trips to Ollerup, in February and April, I have discussed ideas for this proposed continuation project with Rune Holm, Ed Morris, and Monika Brodnicke as well as four students, all of whom are interested in participating. I am convinced that

(808) 383-2957 (phone) (808) 754-6960 (mobile) info@wisdomfactors.com (em)
Websites: www.wisdomfactors.com and www.wisingup.com
participation would grow once the project was approved and presented. Given the recent Helsingør Free School Conference’s focus on international applications of the Free School approach to education, the time seems especially ripe for developing a Grundtvigian curriculum for the emerging Global Village. And what better place to do it at than DFL?

Potential Benefits for Den Fri Lærerskole. (1) a practical learning experience in English for participant students and teachers, (2) useful new curriculum ideas for the Folk High School system, (3) possible global impact of DFL-developed curricula on education world wide, (4) attraction of outside funds and new funders for this DFL project, with implications for future funding of other DFL projects.

Potential Partners. Having helped develop and run three international conferences on “human-centered education”—in Jakarta, Indonesia, (June 2001), Crestone, Colorado, USA, (July 2003), and Ifrane, Morocco, (July 2006)—and having published three books on enhancing human wisdom, I have a long-term interest in how formal education can best help develop human beings able to solve the problems of individual and group living on Planet Earth. After a 35-year career in university-level education as professor, dean, academic vice president, administrator at the East-West Center (Hawaii), and assistant for International Programs to the Minnesota State University System Chancellor, I feel well-prepared for and excited about working on this project, which seems basic to the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s human beings. (Please see my attached résumé for details on my background.) Organizations I would attempt to interest in this project include Wisdom Factors International, the European Foundation for Free Education, the International Committee of the Free School Movement, UNICEF, UNESCO, the Kellogg Foundation, Peace Child International (UK), the Fetzer Institute (Michigan, USA), the Association of Liberal and General Education, the Association of International Schools, the Association of Montessori Schools, the Association of Waldorf Schools, and above all the Guerrand-Hermès Foundation for Peace (Brighton, England, and Paris), which has funded previous projects of mine and is currently sponsoring a book on Human-Centered Education.

Considerations. I would travel to and from Denmark (and Ollerup) at my own expense and would not require any payment for facilitation of the study group. My only need would be a single room and meals with the students and teachers, at least breakfast and lunch, during October first until Christmas break. So, this request is for free room and meals as well as permission to undertake the project itself. In exchange, besides facilitating and coordinating the Study Group, I would be happy to assist students with English or German projects, whether oral or written, as the need arises and time permits.

I am returning to the United States on April 21st. However, I shall remain available to answer any questions by email. My e-address is reynoldfeldman@yahoo.com. Also, if you require them, I would be pleased to ask individuals familiar with my work and character to email you letters of support. Meantime, thank you for considering this request. I look forward to your response.